We field a great many questions about the chickens. And let's be honest, chickens can be down right entertaining. So here is the chicken update.
We currently celebrate a real potluck pile of foul. We have one male Buckeye. One female, advertised to be a Buckeye but nothing close to the truth. We have two Welsummer males, one of which is the Bear's famed Rudy. One Welsummer female. Two male French Black Copper Marans. And two female French Black Copper Marans. Should be a total of nine there.
The Buckeyes initially captured or hearts because they are a heritage breed, winter hardy, supposed to be good layers. The Marans are jaw–dropping gorgeous and they lay a valuable, beautiful, almost black shelled egg. The Welsummers came as a perk with the Marans, but they are also beautiful and have a champion disposition. As seen in the Bear's buddy, Welsummer roo, Rudy.
Each of the breeds we have may go broody, raise their own young, which we think is an appealing prospect.
They are all also quite pleasant, and not aggressive (good when you have kiddos around).
Kevin made a water jug warmer when he was in town, which has been tremendously helpful as temperatures have dropped.
Also, Big Ted crafted some laying boxes on a recent visit, which the chickens love to sit in, even when they are not laying.
Currently, our elder non–Buckeye female lays about twice a week. This is down from her summer production of roughly five a week. We all get a bit lazy in the winter months and chickens are no exception. We hope to celebrate four layers very soon. The younger ladies are due to begin egg production any time.
That is it for the chickens for the moment :) Here are some pics:
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