Monday, October 8, 2012


It is amazing how things come together sometimes.

A friend with a wonderful hormone free, grass-fed cattle farm asks us if we are interested in half a cow to stock the freezer. The answer is certainly 'yes', though we would prefer to put those financial resources into the house at the moment. Mmmm what to do?!?!

Insert successful deer hunting.

The freezer has a serious dent in it, with promises of being topped off soon.

30-ish turkey were also observed, leaving my mouth watering for that option as well.

Next hurdle, the field. We would like to clear the slate in anticipation of our garden, the hops and lavender we plan to impart in the spring.

Several farmers have inquired about leasing the land, though their methods of clearing are not in-tune with what we would want for our water supply - read too many chemicals involved.

We ran an ad to try to attract organic farmers, but have had little interest.

We would love to brushhog the land ourselves, but will be without a tractor until at least winter.

Sooo we were considered paying someone to brushog. These were not terrible, but not enticing rates.

Along comes awesome neighbor #1, who shares that he would really like to get some hours on his tractor before winterizing it. He asked if we would like any work done, as he would be more than happy to oblige. Wow! Yeah!

Paul asked if we would like a fireplace screen.... YES!

Karen asked if we would like an area rug.... YES!

Sally asked if we would like some time using two arms instead of one (offered to watch IV).... YES!


We are so blessed! We are so fortunate! We are so happy!

Thank you!

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